Nonviolence Mechanism and Conflict Resolution: Study of the EndSARS Movement in Nigeria

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Lead City University


In every democratic system of government, the state through its security agencies is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the welfare of its citizens irrespective of their ethnic and religious identities. Nigerian youths have been experiencing different forms of abuse such as extra judicial killings, illegal detention and extortion, and so on from the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) and the members of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF). On 8th of October, 2020, the youth expressed their frustration and dissatisfactions by protesting in strategic government places. Although, the use of protest is one out of many other methods of nonviolence as a potent means of conflict resolution and social transformation. The study relied on secondary sources of data, hence, the historical and explanatory research design was used to elicit information on EndSARS movement in Nigeria and how nonviolence can be used as a mechanism of conflict resolution. However, the findings of this research revealed that unemployment, poverty, injustice, lack of rule of law, complete disregard for education and bad governance are the conflictual issues that led to the EndSARS protest. In addition to that, the success of nonviolent movement in other countries could serve as effective means of conflict resolution in Nigeria. The study, therefore, conclude that the adoption of nonviolent methods such as protest, strikes, boycotts and so on is capable of forcing desired social change in Nigeria. The study recommends that the ‘ruling elite’ need to ensure that adequate empowerment and development is done for the youth if truly they are to be the leaders of tomorrow. Keywords: Conflict, Nonviolence, Democracy, Nigeria, EndSARS, Word Count: 258




Kate Turabian