Employee Involvement and Job Performance in Food and Beverage Companies in Lagos State

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Lead City University


Employee involvement has always been found to influence job performance. However, the studies that have made these findings have been concentrated in different countries and only a few have been conducted in Nigeria. Even lesser studies have been conducted on the topic in the Food and Beverage industry of Lagos State Nigeria. Thus, the study took its problem statement from this gap and examined how employee involvement across its various dimensions affects Job performance in the study area. To reach the set objectives employee involvement as an independent variable was measured using four different indicators such as profit sharing, quality control circles, information sharing and participative decision making while Job performance was measured using task completion, employee impact on work improvement, work quality, and work speed would as sub-variables of job performance. The study also engaged a cross-sectional research design, distributed 358 copies (adopting Taro Yamane formula for sample size determination) of the questionnaire using quota sampling techniques engaged both descriptive and inferential statistics in reaching its objectives. The study was then anchored on Human Relations Theory propounded by Sir Elton Mayor, theory X and Y, and General System Theory.Data was collected from five different organizations, with 2 being small scale companies (Best Food Global: 6; Delta R: 11), 2 being medium scale companies (Sino Foods: 40; Nigerian Cereal Process Ltd: 71) and one being large scale (Seven-Up bottling company: 231). The study found that employee involvement significantly influenced task completion (β= 2.159, r2: 0.712; Tval: 16.264, p< 0.05), employee involvement influences employees impact on work improvement (β= 1.328, r2: 0.414; Tval: 13.784, p< 0.05); employee involvement has a significant influence on employee work speed (β= 2.274, r2: 0.73; Tval: 16.848, p< 0.05) and employee involvement also has significant influence on employee work quality (β= 2.021, r2: 0.311; Tval: 17.956, p< 0.05). It was recommended that HR practitioners and employers should ensure that employees are better involved in the everyday running of the organization to boost the sense of belonging within the organization. Keywords: Employee Involvement, Job performance, Food and Beverage Industry Word Count: 300




Kate Turabian