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    Audit Quality and Financial Performance of Listed Nigerian Money Deposit Banks in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Isaiah Adeoluwa TADE
    Many countries' economies may not grow to their current levels without the banking sector's function as financial mediators connecting surplus and deficit economic agents. Therefore, it remains a significant global phenomenon for corporate organisations to continuously achieve improvement in corporate performance. However, in Nigeria the ripple effect of the financial crisis, economic recession and economy recovery policies both from the Federal government and the CBN have created tougher times for many Nigerian business including banks and this has negatively affected the performance of the banking sector in the country. To address these issues in the Nigeria’s banking sector for the better, both the industry regulator and banking experts suggested that the banks corporate parent needs to conduct audit assignment with an assurance of the high audit quality can be used as a framework to address the many challenges. Hence, on the strength of the signalling and agency theories, this study examined the effects of audit quality on financial performance of DMBs in Lagos State. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design by utilizing secondary data obtained from the selected quoted banks annual reports, using time series data from 2016 to 2021. The study adopted correlation analysis and ordinary least square regression analysis to test the hypotheses formulated. The findings of the study revealed that all the dimensions of audit quality have positive and significant relationship with the financial performance. Moreover, audit quality has positive and significant effect on financial performance of DMBs in Lagos ria ((R 2= 0.76, p= 0.000). The study concluded that audit quality do have effect on financial performance of listed DMBs in Nigeria. Therefore, it is imperative for management of DMBs to see that quality audit engagement is critical for the long-term sustainability of their establishment. Keywords: Audit quality, Deposit Money Banks, Financial Performance. Word Count: 300
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    Corporate Governance, Firm-Specific Factors and Sustainability of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Mustapha Aikins SULEIMAN
    The turbulent nature of the environment within which the manufacturing sector operates in Nigeria has led to the closure of several manufacturing companies over the years. Noticeably, to sustain their operations in the face of the dynamic environment, corporate strategies have been inclined towards shrinking firm sizes and moving to a cost-advantaged location outside Nigeria. The development raises the question of what relevance is corporate governance (measured by accountability, agile leadership, and stakeholder management) and firm-specific factors (measured by firm size and operational efficiency) in addressing the issues affecting the sustainability of the fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Thus, the study examined the effect of corporate governance and firm-specific factors on the sustainability of fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing companies in Nigeria and further interrogated the intervening effects of environmental dynamism on the interaction between corporate governance, firm-specific factors, and sustainability of fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study is anchored on the stakeholder theory and dynamic capabilities theory. The population of the study constitutes 5,710 regular staff of 6 selected fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing companies in Nigeria with their head office in Lagos State; the selected companies represent 85% of the consumer goods industry in Nigeria. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey design to study the subset of the population. The Raosoft online sample size calculator for finite population was employed in calculating the sample size of the study at 5% significant level. The research instrument used was an adapted 6-point Likert scale structured questionnaire which was administered by employing the proportionate percentage, stratified random sampling and simple random sampling technique. Out of the 432 questionnaires distributed, 406 were retrieved. 383 of the retrieved questionnaires were deemed usable, indicating a response rate of 88.65%. Data collected were analysed using Partial least-square-structural equation model to examine the three-way direct, mediation, and moderation null hypotheses. The study findings show that: corporate governance exerted a significant effect on sustainability (Adj R 2 =0.710, p=0.000, Q2 =0.391); firm-specific factors exerted a significant effect on sustainability (Adj R 2 =0.428, p=0.000, Q2 =0.234); corporate governance and firm-specific factors jointly exerted a positive and significant effect on sustainability (Adj R 2 =0.698, p=0.000, Q2 =0.188); environmental dynamism exerted a positive and significant moderating effect on the interaction between Corporate Governance and sustainability (β =0.386; p< 0.006, Q2 =0.290); environmental dynamism was also found to exert a positive and significant mediating effect on the interaction between firm specific factors and sustainability of the selected fast moving consumer goods manufacturing companies (β=0.396, t= 2.919, p= 0.004). The study recommended that fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing companies should: pay particular attention to improving their level of accountability and focus more on the agility of leadership and stakeholder management strategies; Understand the appropriate configuration of firm-specific factors required to mitigate the negative external threats in the dynamic environment to take advantage of available opportunities; and continuously evaluate the external environment and align performance with set goals in the face of the turbulent business environment to aid their sustainability. Keywords: Sustainability, Environmental dynamism, Firm-Specific-Factors, Manufacturing companies, Dynamic Capability theory, Stakeholder Theory. Word Count: 498
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    Entrepreneurial Orientation, Succession Planning and Performance of Family Owned Businesses in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Stephen Olajiire OLUWATUKESI
    Globally Family-Owned Businesses contribute to the success of many economies in the world. However, family-owned businesses in Nigeria have underperformed compared to the top 750 earners globally in 2018 and 2019. Entrepreneurial orientation and succession planning are two strategic options crucial to family-owned business performance. On the strength of the resource- based view, family system and contingency theory the study examined the interaction between entrepreneurial orientation, succession planning, Omoluabi leader and family-owned business performance in Lagos state, Nigeria. This study adopted a quantitative research method, employing a cross-sectional survey research design with a purposive sampling method to test the model. The population consist of eight thousand three hundred and ninety-six (396) family businesses registered in Lagos State with NASME out of which three hundred and sixty-eight sample size was computed using the Cochran sample size formula. Three hundred and seventy two (372) owners and senior staff members of family businesses in Lagos state filled out the questionnaires with a response rate of 84.3%. The structured questionnaires adapted from past studies were assessed for validity and reliability with Cronbach alpha’s coefficient range between 0.774 and 0.934 via a pilot study and face validation by an expert panel comprising three scholars from Lead City University. The Partial Least-Square-Structural Equation Model was designed to assess the significance of the relationship by testing the hypotheses using SamrtPLS 4.0. The result rejected all the research hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed the following: Ho1 = Adj R2 =0.316, p=0.000, Q2 =0.182, entrepreneurial orientation influence 31.6% of customer satisfaction, Ho2 = Adj R2 =0.499, p=0.000, Q2 =0.246 entrepreneurial orientation dimension influences 49.9% of the firm growth Ho3 = Adj R2 = 0.302, p=0.000, Q2 =0.125 succession planning influence 30.2% of the business continuity of family-owned businesses in Lagos state. Ho4 = Adj R2 =0.478, p=0.000, Q2 =0.211 shows that entrepreneurial orientation and succession planning predict 47.8% performance of family-owned businesses in Lagos state. Ho5 moderated analysis = β =0.125; p< 0.025 shows that omoluabi leadership positively moderates entrepreneurial orientation and performance of family-owned businesses in Lagos state by 0.125. Furthermore, Ho6 = the path from Succession planning to performance is statistically insignificant (β= 0.138, t= 1.244, p=0.214), the path from Succession planning to Omoluabi leadership is statistically significant (β= 0.578, t= 7.441, p=0.000), and the path from Omoluabi leadership to the family business performance in Lagos state, Nigeria, is statistically significant (β= 0.208, t= 2.037, p=0.042). It significantly mediates the interaction between succession planning and family-owned businesses in Lagos state. The study concluded that entrepreneurial orientation and succession planning have a significant effect on the performance of family-owned businesses; omoluabi leadership also moderated the functional relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of family-owned businesses as well as mediated the relationship between succession planning and the performance of family-owned businesses in Lagos state. The study recommended using omoluabi leadership as a moderator and mediator for family-owned businesses in Nigeria. It also recommended developing underdeveloped sub-dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation and succession planning, as revealed by the inferential statistics. Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Succession Planning, Omoluabi Leadership, Family Owned Business. Word Count 500
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    Value Added Tax, Public Revenue and Government Expenditure in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023) Oladimeji Hammed, SORINMADE
    The Impact of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Public Revenue and Government Spending in Nigeria spanning from the period 1994-2021 was examined in this study. The goal of the research work is to evaluate the influence of Value Added Tax on government revenue vis-à-vis government spending. Secondary data source was explored in presenting the facts of the situation. The data were obtained from relevant literature, Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, Federal Inland Revenue Service Report, World Bank Report, and National Bureau of Statistics 2021 publications. The outcome of the Ordinary Least Square Linear Regression analysis showed a regression co-efficient and p-value on value-added tax (VAT) (0.541; p=0.008<0.05), capital investment (0.941; p=0.03<0.05), Labour force (0.615; p=0.005<0.05), FDI (0.673; p=0.001<0.05) and GDP (0.55; p=0.035< 0.05) respectively, indicating a positive and significant relationship among the explanatory variables with public revenue. VAT trend showed a positive coefficient, which means that VAT figures rise year in and year out. In light of the findings, the report suggests that the government should critically examine the VAT collection and administration process, do away with bureaucratic red tape, and increase transparency so that businesses may coordinate their strategies with those of tax officials. And that organizations, businesses, and ministerial offices of governments are urged to be dependable, disciplined, and wise with public monies obtained through VAT by providing the infrastructure required to enhance Nigeria's economic activities and raise GDP. The government should also keep a close watch on VAT-eligible individuals to encourage quick remittance of VAT income and presentation of VAT invoices for an accurate tax audit by the Federal Inland income Services (FIRS) to guarantee adherence to tax laws as at when due. Additionally, as higher standards of life are correlated with greater income per capita, the government ought to make conscious efforts to diversify the economy. Keywords: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Government Expenditure, Income Per Capital, Public Revenue, Revenue Generation, Taxation and Value Added Tax (VAT) Word Count; 300
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    Corporate Governance and Innovation Capability on Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olufunke Olukemi SERIKI
    Globally, banking sector performance has experienced significant growth in terms of earnings, size and resilience between 2008 and 2022. Total assets reached over $124 trillion, while return on assets (ROA) stood at 0.9%. Hence this study aim to evaluate the effect of corporate governance and innovation capability on performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to; determine the effects of corporate governance dimensions on performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria; evaluate the effect of innovation capability dimension on performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria; and assess the combine effect of corporate governance and innovation capability on performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. This study adopts a quantitative research method, employing a cross-sectional survey research design. The population consists of one thousand, two hundred and twenty-eight (1,228) employees of selected deposit money banks headquarters in Lagos State, and three hundred and six (306) sample size. The administered questionnaires represent a 79.1% response rate. The result of hypothesis one showed that corporate governance have positive but weak statistical significant relationship with finance performance of DMBs (R = 0.205, P<0.05), hypothesis two revealed that innovation capability has positive but weak statistically significant relationship with financial performance of DMBs (R= 0.287, p<0.05), and hypothesis three revealed that corporate governance and innovation capability have positive but weak statistically significant relationship with the performance of DMBS (R = 0.313, p<0.05). This study concludes that corporate governance and innovation capability have significant effects on the performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State. This study recommends that corporate parent of the selected deposit money banks should pay attention to corporate governance activities to ensure that it helps improve performance for the DMBs under investigation. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Innovation Capability, Deposit Money Banks. Word Count 297
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    Budgeting Process and Organizational Effectivenessin The Polytechnic,Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Elizabeth Abosede WURAOLA
    Tertiary Institutions operates basically on budget. This study assessed organizational effectiveness of Budgeting Process in The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Expectations are that tertiary institutions provide educational services, however, there has been on several occasions the occurrence of industrial disharmony and unrest between the management, staff and students of the tertiary institutions which posed the question whether the management and the stakeholders are not efficient in their operations and does not see the practical necessity to ensure the acceptance of budgeting process as an efficient managerial tool vital to the planning, coordinating and controlling functions. The research tool employed in data gathering and collection was questionnaire while SPSS version 25 was adopted for descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data while agency theory was employed. The null hypothesis tested states that “there is no significant effect of budgeting process on organizational effectiveness in The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria”. Based on the findings from the study, it therefore concluded that “there is a statistically significant effect of budgeting process on organizational effectiveness of The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria” [R2=0.276, F(1,236)=90.053, P=0.0000] which aligned with agency theory as the theoretical bedrock for the study. However, it was found out that most of the key actors do not work with the budget due to lack of proper induction on their expected roles in the positions they occupied. Hence, the need for copy of budget manual to be sent to each departmental head after its approval by the government. The study recommended that management should intensify efforts in planning budget according to the organizational goals and objectives; provide adequate professionals who would prepare and plan the budget; keep budget implementation according to financial rules and regulations; embrace strong and effective internal auditing and budgetary control systems. Keywords: Budgetary control, budget implementation, budget planning, employee’s commitment, organizational effectiveness, service delivery, Word Count: 300 words
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    Tax Knowledge, Compliance Cost and Legal Framework as Predictors of Tax Compliance among Small Scale Enterprises in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Victoria Olubose OLATAYO
    The research was undertaken with the intention of determining the extent to which small scale enterprise in Oyo state are complying with the payment of required tax to the government. Sachet water factories were the focus. Simple descriptive research design, where questionnaire were administered on the staff of selected sachet water factories was adopted, the measurement variable used include compliance cost, legal framework, and tax knowledge while correlation adregression analysis was use to analyze the data collected. The result showed that at (P ≤ 0.05) level of significant and with correlation coefficient(r) = 0.00 there was strong positive significant relationship between tax compliance and legal framework of small scale enterprises in Oyo state, there was strong positive significant relationship between tax compliance and tax knowledge of small scale enterprises operators in Oyo state, also there was a moderate positive relationship between tax compliance and compliance cost of small scale enterprises operators in Oyo state. Regression analysis carried out showed R-square variation for the dependent variable that could be explained by the independent variables. A value greater than 0.5 shows that the model is effective enough to determine the relationship. In this research, the value is .802, which is 80%, this means 80% of compliance cost, and legal framework and tax knowledge can predict tax compliance of small scale enterprise in Oyo state. Base on the findings it was recommended that government should create and put into action comprehensive tax education programs designed especially for small sachet water businesses, also government Enhance coordination between tax authorities and pertinent regulatory organizations to strengthen enforcement procedures. Establish thorough monitoring programs to identify tax evasion tactics, and impose suitable fines and consequences on noncompliant companies to discourage tax evasion. Keywords: Compliance, Compliance cost, Legal framework, Small scale enterprise, Sachet water factories, Tax knowledge Word Count: 286
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    Workplace Diversity Management and Employee Performance of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Uduak Ette, SAMUEL
    In today's globalized and diverse work environment, deposit money banks in Nigeria face numerous challenges related to employee performance. Factors such as job satisfaction, employee effectiveness, productivity, and retention significantly impact the overall success of these financial institutions. One of the key issues facing deposit money banks is how to effectively manage workplace diversity to enhance employee performance. Hence, this study investigated the effect of workplace diversity management on employee performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive research design, and the population consisted of 553 employees of four (4) selected deposit money banks in Nigeria which UBA and Union bank represents the old generation banks while Access bank and Stanbic IBTC represents new generation banks. The Taro Yamane formula was utilised to arrive at a sample size of 232 employees. For the purpose of data collection, a validated questionnaire was utilised. There was a wide range of values for the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the constructions, from 0.71 to 0.80. A response rate of 85.34% was achieved for the deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistic. Findings revealed that diversity training has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction (β = 0.988, p < 0.05). Effectiveness of communication has a positive and significant effect on employee effectiveness (β = 0.921, p < 0.05). Work-teams have a positive and significant effect on employee productivity (β = 0.981, p < 0.05). Workplace culture has a positive and significant effect on employee retention (β = 0.967, p < 0.05). The study concluded that workplace diversity management had a statistically significant effect on employee performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study recommended that Deposit money banks in Nigeria should adopt a holistic approach to workplace diversity management. This involves integrating diversity training, effective communication, teamwork, and workplace culture to create a synergistic effect that optimizes employee performance. Keywords: Workplace Diversity Management, Employee Performance, Diversity Training, Effective Communication, Teamwork, Workplace Culture Word Count: 326
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    Institutional Quality, Foreign Direct Investment, and Nigeria’s Economic Development
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ibraheem Oladeji SALAMI
    The need for developing nations to thrive and become prosperous is at the heart of the sustainable development goals. Attaining a developed economy status has eluded many African countries including Nigeria. This is evidence in the infrastructural deficit, weak currency, socioeconomic and political instability, high poverty and alarming insecurity rate. This development has raised a lot of concern and has prompted reasons to query the country institutional quality and foreign direct investment as contingent factors that can address the nation’s economic development. Hence, on the tenets of the institutional theory and the resource based-view, this study examined the effect of institutional quality and foreign direct investment on economic development in Nigeria. The study adopted the Expo facto research design to achieved the aim of the study. The population represent data from all sectors in Nigeria economy from 1990 to 2022. Dynamic ordinary least square regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses formulated. The findings suggested that FDI has an insignificant effect on GDP per capita and HDI as a measure of economic development (ꞵ=-1.129, p=0.534). FDI exert significant effect on IHDI as a measure of economic development (ꞵ=-0.013, p=0.023). Institutional quality has an insignificant effect on GDP per capita and IHDI as a measure of economic development (ꞵ=-0.092, p=0.088). However, institutional quality exerts significant effect on HDI as a measure of economic development (ꞵ=-0.011, p=0.028). Institutional quality exerts a positive and significant effect on FDI (ꞵ=-0.467, p=0.001). Institutional quality and FDI have an insignificant influence on GDP per capita and HDI as a measure of economic development (ꞵ=-0.004, p=0.335). However, institutional quality and FDI has significant influence on IHDI as a measure of economic development in Nigeria (ꞵ=0.009, p=0.000). The study concluded that institutional quality and FDI are critical to Nigeria’s economic development when harnessed judiciously. Based on the study findings, the following recommendations were made: evidence of control of corruption should be made a top priority by the federal government of Nigeria, likewise ensuring political stability & absence of violence/terrorism through transparent democratic process, and government effectiveness in the outcomes of policy formulation and implementation. It is imperative for the federal government to address the many macro-economic factors including inflation, unemployment, ease of doing business to socio-economic factors such as banditry, kidnapping, and insurgency, hence affecting the sentiments of foreign investors towards the economy. It is expected that if this is done, Nigeria will be investment destination in Sub-Sahara Africa. The federal government in Nigeria should commit resources financially and otherwise to be seen as a nation with positive institutional quality attributes. This is because foreign investors have reservation for countries without stable political leadership, fluctuating economic policies, violation of human right, violence and terrorism, high-level corruption index and ease of doing business challenges. Federal government should show commitment to developing positive institutional quality and they should enhance environmental conditions that favour FDI. This is critical in attainment of GDP per capita and HDI as measures of Nigeria’s economic development. Keywords: Economic development, Foreign direct investment, Institutional quality, Nigeria Word Count:492
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    Marketing Capabilities, Government Policy and Firm Performance of Food and Beverage Firms, Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Rotimi Jimoh RAHMON
    Financial performance is critical to the going concern of a firm. In Nigeria, high tax rates and multiple taxations have a significant impact on the financial performance of the firm. This leads to management-shareholder conflict. All these problems necessitated the need to analyze the connections between marketing capabilities and performance using the impact of government regulations as a moderating variable of chosen food and beverage enterprises in Southwest Nigeria. The specific objectives are to investigate the effect of Product development capabilities on firm performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria; assess the influence of Price competitiveness on the firm performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria; examine the influence of technological capabilities on the firm performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria; investigate the effect of promotion on the firm performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria; investigate the effect of marketing capabilities on firm performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria; investigate the moderating effect of government policy on the relationship between marketing capabilities and performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria. This study adopted a cross-sectional study design; the data were collected simultaneously from people with similar characteristics but different in key factors of interest such as age, income levels, or geographic location. Target sample size comprised 415 staffs (middle-level, and managerial staff) is determined using Raosoft sample size calculator. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the middle-level staff, and purposive technique was used to select the managerial staffs of the selected food and beverages industry. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire and validated for the study. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the constructs ranges between 0.76 and 0.97. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The response rate was 87.40%. Descriptive analysis were used to answer the research questions and simple regression analysis was used to test hypothesis 1-5, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the moderating effect of government policy on the interaction between marketing capability and firm performance of food and beverage in Southwest Nigeria. The analysis of the data revealed Government policy has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between Marketing capabilities and performance of food and beverage firms in Southwest, Nigeria (r= 0.422, p>0.05); marketing capabilities have a positive but very weak relationship with the sales growth (r= 0.400, p<0.05); and Marketing capabilities has no significant impact on the profitability (r=0.273, p<0.05). It also revealed that marketing capabilities have a positive but very weak relationship with the market share (R 2=.061, p<0.05); and marketing capabilities have a positive but very weak relationship with the sustainability (R 2=.093, F(4, 356)= 6.812; p<0.05). The study concluded that there was statistically significant effect of marketing capabilities on firm performance of Food and beverage firm in Southwest, Nigeria. The study recommended that food and beverages should improve its product creation capabilities by rethinking its innovation and marketing strategies to include utilizing its value chain and learning about the market through sensing capability. Keywords: Marketing Capabilities, Firm performance, and Government Policies, Food and Beverage Firms, Southwest Nigeria Word Count: 500
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    Customer Engagement and Performance of Baby-Care Products in Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Damilola Grace, RASHEED
    The global performance of Manufacturers of Baby-Care Products (MBCPs) showed the industry experienced growth. However, the performance of MBCPs in Nigeria experienced decline in customer trust, satisfaction and commitment which is suggestive of challenges associated customer engagement. Hence, this study examined the effect of customer engagement on Customer Performance (CP) of selected MBCPs in Oyo State, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. The infinite population has a sample size of 537 nursing mothers computed using Cochran formula. The study adopted a purposive sampling technique to select the nursing mothers. A validated questionnaires were used to collect data. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.72 to 0.91. The response rates of 89.7% was obtained. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that customer engagement has significant effect on CP (R² = 0.140, F(1,446) = 72.645, p = 0.000). Customer engagement has significant effect on customer satisfaction (Adj. R 2= 0.151, F(2,445)= 40.813, p= 0.000). Customer engagement has significant effect on customer trust (Adj. R 2= 0.107, F(2,445)= 40.813, p= 0.000). Customer engagement has significant effect on customer commitment (Adj. R 2= 0.402, F(2,445)= 10.726, p= 0.000). Customer equity had significant moderating effect on the relationship between customer engagement and customer performance ofselected BCPsin Oyo State, Nigeria (ΔR 2= 0.100, ΔF = 7.504, p <0.006). The study concluded that customer engagement affects customer performance of selected BCPs in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study recommended that management of the baby-care product investigated should focus more on engaging nursing mothers so that customer satisfaction can be improve performance. Management must reinvent customer equity mechanism such as value, brand and relationship equity as it has the potential to improve the interaction between customer engagement and customer performance in Ibadan Oyo State. Keywords: Baby-care industry, Customer engagement, Customer equity, performance Word Count: 296
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    Customer Equity, Brand Awareness and Performance of Cosmetics Companies in Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Precious SOLOMON
    When considering the socioeconomic contributions to support jobs and stimulate economic progress, the cosmetics industry stands out as one of the most active. However, there are increasing customers concern about the transparency and sustainability of cosmetic products, Thus, demands management commitment in deploying appropriate Customer Equity mechanisms (CE) and creating Brand Awareness (BA) to enhance customer perception and performance. Hence, the study assessed the effect of CE on performance of cosmetic products in Ibadan. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. The infinite population has a sample size of 460 women-cosmetics users computed using Cochran formula. The study adopted a purposive sampling technique. A validated questionnaires were used to collect data. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.72 to 0.91. The response rate of 95.2% was obtained. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that CE has significant effect on performance (R2 = 0.595, β= 0.505, t= 7.215, p=0.000). CE has significant effect on customer satisfaction (Adj R 2 =0.415, p=0.000, Q2 =0.254). CE has significant effect on new product development (Adj R 2 =0.296, p=0.000, Q2 =0.254). CE has significant effect on customer engagement (Adj R 2 =0.263, p=0.000, Q2 =0.177). BA has significant mediating effect on the relationship between CE and performance of cosmetic firms in Ibadan Oyo State (β=0.206, t= 3.596, p= 0.000, Q2 = 0.221, 0.339). This study conclude that CE and BA are important for higher performance. The study recommends that cosmetics firms selling in Ibadan must position their brands in such a way that it amuses existing and potential customers perception towards their product to gain market share and be creative in their commitment to brand awareness campaign because of its ability to explain the effect customer equity has on performance. Keywords: Brand awareness, Customer equity, Cosmetics products, organisational performance Word count 290
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    Forensic Accounting Skills and Fraud Control in Deposit Money Bank in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Bosede Bolanle OYELAMI
    This research work focused on Forensic Accounting Skills and Fraud Control in Deposit Money Bank in Nigeria. The motive behind this study was to examine the extent to which asset misappropriation could be curbed by forensic accounting skills, how cash layering methods of fraudulent practices can be affected by forensic accounting skills, and how control can be corrected by forensic accounting skills through improved technology. The targeted population of this study consists of 594 management staff of Guaranteed Trust Bank in Nigeria. The sample size consists of two hundred forty (240) Staff. Regression analysis was used to analyze the result. The results of hypothesis one showed a significant link (r = 0.413; P 0.05) in the banking system between forensic accounting expertise and the placement technique of corporate control of asset theft. The layering approach of fraudulent acts and forensic accounting expertise have a substantial relationship in the financial system (r = 0.561; P 0.05), according to hypothesis two. According to hypothesis three (r = 0.449; P 0.05), there is a statistically significant relationship between forensic accounting expertise and the Integration technique of weakening internal control. The government should provide an enabling environment for the forensic accounting profession to thrive in the country by strengthening the legal, educational, and political framework in the country (Nigeria). Keywords: Forensic Accounting skills, Financial Crimes, Fraud, Deposit Money Bank, Nigerian Banking System Words Count: 250
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    Work-Life Balance Programs and Performance of Female Academics in Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Temilola Olubunmi OSIBANJO
    Having work life balance is the most challenging issues faced by employees and employers in recent time. With the increase in work pressure due to advancement in technology, how well the female employees can manage their professional life and personal life has become a concern for both HR practitioners and researchers. The study examined the effects of work life balance programs on the performance of female academics in Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State. 127 copies of questionnaire were administered to the Female Academics of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. Findings revealed that telecommuting has significant influence on research output at (β= 0.741, R2=0.548, t-statistics=14.874>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05), significant influence on teaching engagement at (β= 0.809, R2=0.654, t- tatistics=19.057>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05) and a significant influence on community service engagement at (β= 0.495, R2=0.245, t- statistics=4.814>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05). It was discovered that teaching engagement has the most predictive value, followed by research output, and community service engagement. Similarly, Flexi-time arrangement significantly influences research output at (β= 0.801, R2=0.548, t-statistics=15.149>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05), significantly influence teaching engagement at (β= 0.801, R2=0.641, t-statistics=16.259>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05) and a significant influence on community service engagement at (β= 0.593, R2=0.351, t- statistics=5.820>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05). It was discovered that teaching engagement has the most predictive value, followed by research output, and community service engagement. Also, ealthcare provision has significant influence on research output at (β= 0.810, R2=0.657, t-statistics=17.035>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05). Significant influence on teaching engagement at (β= 0.606, R2=0.367, t-statistics=6.015>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05). Finally, research output has the most predictive value, followed by community service engagement, and teaching engagement. Flexi-time arrangement among the female faculty members should be encouraged. Keywords: Employee, Female Academics, Performance, Work-Life Balance Programs Word Count: 276
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    Asset Quality, Capital Adequacy and Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Lukman AyodejiOSHO
    The performance of a banking institution is largely driven by its ability to increase its customers’ patronage, retain them and manage its assets and liabilities to enhance optimal returns.This can be done through banks maintaining adequate capital and quality assets for better performance. In Nigeria, in spite of the fact that banks are highly regulated since 1988, many banks have failed due to insufficiency of capital and mismanagement of funds. Assets quality of deposit money banks and capital adequacy over time has been compromised. Increase in the level of gross non-performing loans pause a great risk to banks, the financial sector and the economy at large. Equally, failure to manage down non-performing loans over a long period gradually affects financial performance of deposit money banks. Non- performing loan profile in the DMBs in Nigeria is rising, and has been identified as a disturbing trend.It thus imperative to ascertain the effect of capital adequacy in the financial performance of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. This study employed ordinary least square regression analysis with emphasis on pooled effect, fixed effect and random effect model. The findings of this research revealed that non-performing loans has a negative non significant effect on financial performance of DMBs in Nigeria having a coefficient = - 0.022478 and P value of 0.5462. Loan loss provisions has a negative significant effect on financial performance of DMBs in Nigeria having a coefficient = -0.002954 and P value ofn 0.0054. Risk weighted assets has a positive significant effect on financial performance of DMBs in Nigeria having a coefficient = 0.067768 and P value of 0.0034. Liquidity ratiohaving a coefficient = 0.000435 P value of 0.0034 has a positive significant effect on financial performance of DMBs in Nigeria. Moderating variable bank size (BS) has a negative non-significant effect on the effect of non-performing loans, loan loss provisions, risk weighted assets and liquidity ratio on the financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study concluded that asset quality and capital adequacy are key factors affecting the financial performance of the Nigeria Deposit money banks and are essential in measuring financial performance of financial institutions while size has no effect on financial performance of the Nigeria Deposit money banks. The study, therefore, recommended that banks should put in place rigorous credit risk management policies in order to stem the increase in NPLs associated with increased lending. The CBN should ensure compliance by adequately monitoring compliance to policy on loan loss limits in relation to provisions. Central Bank of Nigeria should effectively regulate the capital and the resources owned by the Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria by ensuring that a certain level of capital is kept with the Central Bank for financial soundness and stability. Bank officials should be trained in the areas of liquidity management and liquidity changing conditions should not be handled with levity. The banks should reduce their non-performing loans by appropriate credit policies and procedures and should consider other quantitative and qualitative approaches of profit improvement than bank size. 5 Keywords: Assets Quality, Capital Adequacy, Bank size, Financial Performance, Return on Assets Word Count: 502
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    Capital Flight, Financial Stability and Nigerian Economic Growth
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Babatunde ORENUGA
    Achieving the projected economic growth rate has remained a critical determining factor of economic prosperity and sustainability for many nations globally. This is because the socio- economic wellbeing of the State-players including the citizen depends on the attainment of the economic growth rate. While developed economies have made it a habit of consistently attaining significant economic growth rate which result in socio-economic benefit for the State and their citizen, Nigeria seems to be struggling in setting realistic economic growth rate and in its’ attainment. This weak Nigeria’s economic growth rate and its attendant consequences on the citizen raise some contextual issues on capital flight and financial stability. Hence, on the strength of the purchasing power parity theory and debt overhang theory, this study examined the effects of capital flight and financial stability on Nigerian economic growth. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design by utilizing secondary data obtained from the CBN Statistical Bulletin, NBS, IMF and World Bank, using time series data from 2002 to 2021 and annual reports of eight selected financial institutions in the category of international authorization in Nigeria. The study adopted ordinary least square regression analysis to test the hypotheses formulated in the introductory chapter. The findings of the study revealed that capital outflow (CO) has a negative relationship with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is significant (ꞵ = -0.289965; P-Value = 0.006). External debt (ED) has a negative correlation with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is insignificant ( ꞵ = -0.088933; P-Value = 0.7899). External reserve (ER) has negative relationship with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is significant (ꞵ = -57032.05; P- Value =0.0329). Exchange rate (EX) has a negative correlation with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is insignificant ( ꞵ = -0.235292; P-Value = 0.422). Return on asset (ROA) has a negative relationship with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is significant (ꞵ = -0.051184; P-Value = 0.0390). Non-performing loan (NPL) has a negative correlation with Nigerian economic growth and the effect is insignificant (ꞵ = -0.016001; P- Value =0.4983). This study concluded that capital flight and financial stability when managed appropriately hold potential to enhancing Nigerian economic growth. The study recommended that government at all levels must provide friendly and enabling environment through the availability of infrastructural amenities needed to encourage investments that will bring more capital inflows from foreign countries. Likewise, there must be a limit on foreign borrowing tendencies of government at all levels. In addition, foreign borrowing must be limited to only infrastructural development desires of the country. Moreover, government should establish a steady exchange rate regime capable of encouraging capital inflows into the country and boost Nigeria’s financial stability. Nigeria Government should stop importation of petroleum products into the country and fix all the four (4) refineries in the country to reduce foreign currency spent on importation of petroleum products. The current efforts designed at checkmating loan defaults in the banking system through the application of the global standing instruction (GSI) regulations should be improved upon, sustained, and extended to non-individual customers of financial institutions. Keywords: Capital flight, Capital outflows, External reserve, External debt, Exchange rate, Financial stability, Non-performing loan, Real gross domestic product, Return on asset. Word Count: 500.
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    Total Quality Management Practices, Employee Involvement and Performance of Selected Food and Beverage Companies in South-West Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Bolatito Yetunde OLUWAJINMI
    The food and beverage industry is one of the most globally competitive industries and the sector comes under severe pressure from the Nigerian markets. One of the key strategies for performance optimisation is the application of Total Quality Management practices, through employee involvement at all levels of organizations. This study investigated Total Quality Management Practices, Employee Involvement and Performance of Selected Food and Beverage Companies in South West Nigeria. By anchoring the study on Juran’s Theory of Total Quality Management, it drew a synergy which better explicate how the nexus between TQM and Performance are interconnected. The total population of the selected companies was 6,947 employees. The sample size was restricted to 400, which was calculated by using Taro Yammane (1967) statistical formula. The study adopted stratified random sampling technique. The basic criteria for inclusion in the sample were organizational tenure of five years or more and job rank. Questionnaire was the only research instrument used for data collection. Data were analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that quality management has a moderate positive effect on profitability with ANOVA coefficient of 0.216. Whereas, the relationship between continuous process improvement and customer satisfaction was negative showing a coefficient of -0.052. However, the result as indicated by the p-value of 0.041 showed that training and development has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Customer focus also has no significant effect on innovation performance with ANOVA coefficient of 0.121. On the overall, total quality management has a significant influence on firm performance as well as employee involvement, but employee involvement does not have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between total quality management and performance. The negative coefficient of -0.081 showed that the interaction has a slight negative effect, but this effect was not statistically significant (p-value= 0.118). The study concluded that total quality management serves as the spring leverage of high performance work system by ensuring employee involvement in manufacturing companies. Conceptually, these findings provide valuable insights for practitioners in the industry and contribute to understanding, the importance of effective quality management practices and employee involvement in enhancing performance. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that organizations in this sector should focus on other factors such as product quality, customer service and pricing in order to improve customer satisfaction. Training and development programmes should be encouraged among food and beverage companies in south west Nigeria as it has potentials to improve employee performance thereby contributing to firm performance. Also, the organizations need to align their improvement process needs with the demands of customers to improve customer satisfaction. Total quality management and employee involvement should be implemented independently in order enhance performance. Keywords: Employee Involvement Performance, Food and Beverage Companies, Total Quality Management Practices. Word Count: 448
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    Motivational Factors, Organisational Structure and Employee Job Performance In Selected Deposit Money Banks In South-West Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Idowu Adegboyega OLATEJU
    This study examines motivational variables, organizational structure and employee job performance in Money Deposit Bank in South West Nigeria. Some banks have failed to recognize the importance of intrinsic motivators such as employee well-being, relationship with co-workers, relationship with managers, organizational policies and extrinsic motivators such as training and career development, good working conditions, compensation, and promotion, which enhance employee performance. A survey research methodology was used in this study. A stratified sampling technique and simple random sampling techniques were used as sampling techniques, and the sample size was determined using Slovin’s Formula with a sample size of 984 was used in this study. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument. Seven hypotheses were formulated and tested based on the research questions. Data analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and SmartPLS 3.0. software for Structural Equation Models. The result of the study showed that motivational variables ( Employee wellbeing, Job security, Job promotion, Training & Development and Work-Life Balance) jointly significantly influenced Employee Performance [(R2 = .235; F (5,983) = 60.091; p < .05)] jointly accounted for about 23.5% of the variance observable in Employee Job Performance. The independent contribution of Employee Wellbeing, Job Promotion and Training & Development were positively significant ( = .304; t = 9.079; p< .000), ( = .239; t = 4.403; p< .000) and ( = .109; t = .268; p< .000) while the independent contribution of Job Security and Work-Life Balance were not statistically significant. Furthermore, Organizational structure significantly moderates the functional relationship between motivational variables and employee performance. The study recommends that banks and financial institutions should always put motivational factors in place to encourage employees to do their best. Keywords: Deposit Bank, Employee Performance, Motivational Factors, Organizational Structure Word Count: 289
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    Working Capital Management and SMES Performance in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olufunmilayo Lanrewaju ABIDOGUN
    This study aims to investigate the impact of working capital management on SME performance in selected SMEs in Ibadan, Oyo State. It specifically focuses on determining working capital management efficiency, the effects of cash management and account receivable management on SME performance. The study is guided by resource- based theory and operating cycle theory. The research design outlines the overall approach, with a sample of 287 SMEs chosen from the total population of One thousand and eighteen (1018). Data analysis involved using tables to present simple percentages, frequency count, mean, and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested through linear regressions at a significance level of 0.05. The analysis revealed a significant association between working capital management efficiency and profitability in SMEs (F = 61.758 and p < 0.001),). Similarly, the impact of cash management on profitability showed a significant effect (F =136.182 and p < 0.001). Account receivable's effect on return on investment was also found to have a significant relationship (F = 4.361 and p < 0.003). Furthermore, inventory management was shown to have a significant influence on customer satisfaction (F = 56.988 and p < 0.001).The study confirmed that the efficient and effective management of these working capital measures significantly influences the financial performance of SMEs. These findings provided strong evidence of the correlation between working capital management efficiency, cash management, account receivable management, inventory management, and their respective impacts on profitability and customer satisfaction. The significant p-values highlight the importance of these variables in influencing SMEs' financial performance and customer satisfaction levels. The study recommended that SMEs should focus on improving their working capital management by implementing robust account receivable and payable management practices, along with effective inventory control techniques. Keywords: Account Receivable Management, Cash Management, Performance, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Working Capital Management, Performance, Working Capital Management Efficiency Word Count: 285
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    Green Human Resource Practices and Employee Retention in Selected Food and Beverages Companies Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Atinuke Bukola AREMU
    This study examines the effect of Green Human Resources Practices on employees' retention in selected food and beverages companies in Southwest Nigeria. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for this study. Data collection was carried out using primary data source via closed-ended questionnaire design. The study is anchored on theory of Ability, Motivation and Opportunity Theory, Resourced Based Theory, and Moral Foundation Theory. While a stratified random sampling method was used for selecting three hundred and forty-seven (347) respondents as a sample size using Slovin formula on population of 2647 staff of selected foods and beverages companies. Measurement’s instrument was validated using Cronbach alpha. Data were analyzed with the aid of descriptive such as frequency, percentage, mean and inferential statistics. Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed to assess the extent to which independent variables (green recruitment and selection, green employee socialization, green ethical management, green reward system, green health and safety management, green remote staffing) independently influenced employee retention (career development and employee job satisfaction). Result shows that Green human resource practices significantly affects career development opportunity with (Adj R2 =0.560, p=0.000, Q2 =0.473), additionally, result shows that Green human resource practices significantly affects employee job satisfaction with (Adj R2 =0.571, p=0.000, Q2 =0.393), It was also found that Green HRM practices significantly influence employee retention with (R2= 0.571, F(1,321)= 426.864, p= 0.000). Subsequently, the study recommends that management of food and beverages companies should adopt and implement green awareness training program for its employees on how to improve green environment. This will go a long way to assist the sector to retain their staff and promote environmental sustainability.