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    Return on investment (ROI) in subscription databases by Nigerian academic libraries: a survey
    (Folia Toruniensia, 2021-08-23) Oyadeyi, Adekunle Emmanuel; Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun; Shorunke, Oludare Adebanji; Fasola, Omobolanle Seri
    Aim: There seems to be a dearth of literature on how much Nigerian university libraries are spending on the acquisition of Online Electronic Database (OED). This study sets out to investigate the annual cost of acquiring this important and evolving aspect of library collection with the view of determining whether the returns in terms of utilization is commensurate with the invested fund. Methodology: The study adopts a quantitative research method. A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data from 55 librarians in 41 academic libraries across Nigeria. The data collected were processed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Findings: Academic libraries in Nigeria spend an average of ₦12,500,000 or $32,637 on OED subscriptions annually. The study has shown that Nigerian academic libraries usually subscribe to the EBSCOhost and Research4Life databases with few adding specialized databases such as Law Pavilion, HeinOnline, Legalpedia, and ScienceDirect. To ensure adequate returns on investment, the libraries are massively providing support infrastructures, user education, and other information services. However, challenges limiting the widespread use of online databases include irregular power supply and slow internet connectivity among others. Conclusions: The study, therefore, concludes that there is a middling to low return on subscribed OED in Nigerian academic libraries. However, there are still various huddles that must be scaled for Nigerian academic libraries to reap adequate returns on their investments in online electronic databases.
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    Information Literacy Skills, Availability of Information Resources as Factors Inflfluencing Research Productivity of Academic Staff of Lead City University, Nigeria
    (Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4165., 2020-04) Afolabi, Toyosi; Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun
    The study was carried out to evaluate the relationships between information availability, information literacy skills and research productivity among scholars at Lead City University Ibadan. The quantitative research method was adopted with a self developed questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The study sample which consists of 71 academic staff was selected through the proportionate sampling procedure from four faculties in the university. Data analysis revealed a significant relationship between information availability, information literacy skills and research productivity. The study recommended that the library create more awareness about the available resources and conduct information search and retrieval training for library patrons to improve their information literacy skills.
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    Influence of Personal and Occupational Stressors on Job Performance of Library Staff in Private Universities in Oyo State - Nigeria
    (Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research trends, 2020) Oyadeyi, Adekunle Emmanuel; Fasola, Omobolanle Seri; Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun
    The study investigated the influence of personal and occupational stressors on job performance of library staff in private universities in Oyo State, Nigeria. A survey research method was adopted in the conduct of this study. The population of the study includes all library staff in private universities in Oyo State, Nigeria using total enumeration sampling technique. Questionnaire was the major instrument used for data collection. The data collected was analyzed using table of frequency, percentage counts and mean analysis. The study’s findings revealed a significant correlation between personal stress, job stress and job performance. According to the findings, underachieving, financial problem, resentment, job insecurity, relationship and health issues are stress stimulants that contribute to personal stress among library personnel in private universities in Oyo State. While disrespect from library users, poor working conditions, working overtime, work overload, and using personal resources to work constitute major occupational stressors for library staff. These stressors are significantly correlated with absenteeism, low productivity, resignation, lateness, sleeplessness and alcoholism
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    (Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 2541., 2019-05-07) Adetunji, Albert O.; Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun
    Part-time and Distance education is fast gaining global acceptance with millions of enrolments annually. Stakeholders have argued that, just like regular students, those who chose this mode of study deserve the highest quality services available. As a result, Library and Information service providers are seeking to understand this group of users in order to properly meet their information needs and design services that best fit their unique characteristics. The study thus examined the availability and use of Library and Information Services by Part-time, Students at Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria. A self administered questionnaire was used to gather data. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows Version 20. Descriptive analysis was performed on the data which yielded percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviation that described the central tendency and sample distribution. The study found that, although they have diverse information needs, part -time students have limited access to the resources and services of the Lead City University Library and majority of them turn to other sources that are easily within reach like the internet. In the light of the findings, the study recommended that libraries should take the advantage of ICT in facilitating remote access to electronic format of books and journals and extend Information literacy services to part-time students.
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    Computer Attitude and the Use of Electronic Information Resources by Undergraduate Students of Private Universities in Southwest Nigeria
    (International Journal of Information Science and Management, 2022-07-19) Olayode, Motunrayo Mufuliat; Omosebi, Fehintoluwa Elizabeth; Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun; Omosebi, Paul Adeoye
    The electronic information resources provided by academic libraries in Nigeria are receiving not being optimally used, and researchers have linked this problem to factors such as the computer attitude of the users. This study examines the level of computer attitude among undergraduate students in Southwest Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research method. The study population is 3,210 undergraduate students, out of which 800 students were randomly selected as the study sample. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The result shows a positive computer attitude among the students (Mean =2.83). However, it was found that computer attitude (β = -.033, P >.05) is not a significant predictor of electronic information resources use among undergraduates in southwest Nigeria. The study concludes that adequate training and user education programs are necessary for academic libraries to orient students about the importance of library-provided electronic information resources and equip them with the necessary skills to use them easily. The study recommends improved awareness and user education targeted at undergraduates to boost the use of electronic information resources.
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    Academic Library Support in a Blended Learning Environment: The Place of Embedded Librarianship
    (2022-02-10) Oladokun, Taofeek Abiodun; Bakare-Fatugase, Oluwabunmi Dorcas; Jatto, Victor Omeiza
    Technology advancement has led to significant paradigm changes in education. The tradition face-to-face learning is now being supplemented, or in some case, replaced by virtual learning leveraging on modern information technology tools. This practice of mixing traditional and technology in teaching and learning is referred to as blended learning. Academic libraries as designated support institutions for academic activities are also expected to come up with strategies to ensure that both teachers and learners have the necessary support to effectively carry out their teaching, learning and research activities as usual. One of the strategies that have been suggested by scholars is embedded librarianship. This paper explores the strategies that can be adopted by librarians in Nigerian academic libraries to ensure that relevant library information resources and services to both students and lecturers, are embedded into the evolving learning environment for both lecturers and students in tertiary institutions.
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    ChatGPT and Other Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in Teaching and Learning as Integrative Pathways to Contemporary University Education
    (2023-03-02) Bakare-Fatugase, Oluwabunmi Dorcas; Oladokun Taofeek
    The emergence of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and other generative AI tools is redefining the educational landscape. This chapter discusses how ChatGPT and other generative AI tools are used for teaching and learning globally, with a focus on the difference between developing and developed countries. Varied responses between educators and institutions in Africa compared to the developed world and highlights of the skill gaps to be filled to ensure effective and ethical use of generative AI tools by both learners and educators in the developing world were discussed. The chapter concludes by highlighting the implication of poor handling of the current epoch on the future of education and the overall development of the African continent. The study was significant to practice, society, and policy based on a developing country’s perspectives.