Point-of-Purchase Promotion Strategies and Brand Patronage of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Stores in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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Lead City University


Choosing an appropriate brand of drug to buy becomes a big issue of concern in an environment like Nigeria with high prevalence of self-prescription/medication and unrestricted access to purchase both prescription and OTC drugs with undesirable consequences. The problem is worsened further by uncontrolled POP advertising of even prescription drugs. This study investigated the necessity of POP promotions, in what ways and to what extent do they influence decision-making when choosing brand of drug to buy. This study is a deductive, qualitative research, guided by the theories of brand awareness and brand loyalty, to evaluate the causal relationships between the independent variables of point-of-purchase promotion strategies and the dependent variables of brand patronage (choice) of drugs. A questionnaire and focus group discussion were adopted for collecting primary data. For the questionnaire, 1760 respondents were selected using non-probability quota and purposive sampling technique, while 74 registered pharmacies were selected through probability random sampling and later, non-probability convenience sampling techniques. Content validity, reliability and ethical considerations were the adopted quality criteria. The data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 and presented as descriptive statistical analysis such as frequency distribution tables, percentages, mean, standard deviation, bar and pie charts. The hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and ANOVA Major findings suggest that POP promotions in drug marketing exert positive influences on brand awareness, development of brand attitude, some dimensions of brand loyalty, no significant influence on impulse purchase, while there is no significant difference between the influences of POP promotions on choice of branded prescription and OTC drugs. This confirms that POP promotions have positive influence at the cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral levels of decision making for choosing brands of drugs to buy, particularly within the context of purchasers/consumers in a developing/emerging country like Nigeria Keywords: Pharmaceutical Marketing, Point-of-Purchase Promotions, Brand Patronage (Brand Choice). Word count: 299


