Islamic Movement of Nigeria, State Terrorism and National Security
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Lead City University, Ibadan
Throughout their non-violent rallies that started mid-December, 2015, the Nigeria Police Force have been ruthless with members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN). The Nigerian government went a step further to label the religious body a terrorist organisation in 2019 without evidence or proof that IMN members were involved in any terrorist act. This is a breach to freedom of worship and violation of the human rights of Muslim members of the group. All these were sequel to the confrontation between IMN worshippers and troops of the Nigerian Military on December 12, 2015 that led to the killing of over 300 IMN members and one soldier, incarceration of many including its leader El-Zakzakky and wife, Zeenab. The aim of the study is to investigate Islamic Movement of Nigeria, State Terrorism and National Security. The study employed secondary sources of data collection such as journals, newspaper reports and editorials, magazines and so on. Some of the findings include mass killing and detention of IMN members, gross violation of their human rights, proscription of IMN, etc. Part of the recommendations include that the Federal Government should allow the rule of law to prevail, promote human rights and also avert extra-judicial killing of IMN leader to avoid another Boko Haram imbroglio. This will to a large extent reduce the violence between the warring parties. This is a new area with limited research that needs more studies especially Federal Government’s penchant for disobeying valid court orders and mishandling Army and civil relations.
Keywords: Conflict, Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Terrorism, Nigeria Democracy
Word Count: 249
Conflict, Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Terrorism, Nigeria Democracy
Kate Turabia