Performance Appraisal of NigerianFederal Government Public Relations Responsesand Strategiesin Inter-ethnic Crisis Management (1987 - 2002)
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Lead City University
Since independence, Nigeria has experienced huge and devastating inter-ethnic crisis both during civil and military rules with such already degenerating into situations that now threatens the country’s political stability and sovereignty foundation. This study appraised the performances of public relations responses and strategies of Federal Government of Nigeria in inter-ethnic crisis management in some communities in the country between 1987 and 2002. Explorative research design was adopted. Crisis management model and peacebuilding theories explained the variables and held that planning for deliberate proactive intervention of third-party in people’s conflicting affairs within multi-ethnic society is a condition for realisation of peacebuilding. The population of the study comprises residents in communities where identified inter-ethnic crisis occurred. Multi-stage sampling procedure was utilised, while checklist and key personality interview were deployed to collect data. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics and historical analysis. Findings revealed that responses and strategies studies Federal Government of Nigeria’s adopted as mitigation of damage on federal government’s reputation, promotion of justice, victims welfare packages, peacebuilding, propaganda, media intervention, public enlightenment, tribunals and panels of inquiries, corporate social responsibility, sympathy visits, peace meetings and community relations towards inter-ethnic crisis were effective given the fact that their grand means on a scale of 4 scored 2.60 and 2.58 against the decision rule of 2.50.The study concluded that the Federal Government of Nigeria’s public relations responses and strategies policies should be improved upon to effectively deal with prevention
of inter-ethnic crisis. Hence it is recommended that inter-ethnic conflict arbitration forum should be institutionalised and established in every local government of the federation.
Keywords: Ethnic nationality, Inter-ethnic crises, Crisis management, Inter-ethnic relationship, Performance appraisal
Word Count: 273
Ethnic nationality, Inter-ethnic crises, Crisis management, Inter-ethnic relationship, Performance appraisal