Environmental Accounting Disclosure and Financial Performance of Listed Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria

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Lead City University


Research has shown that many of the Nigerian oil and gas listed companies frequently pay insufficient attention to the communities in which they operate, which is typically due to the need to continuously improve their profit maximization strategy. This study therefore investigated the effect of environmental accounting disclosure on financial performance of listed oil and gas companies in Nigeria spanning from 2011-2020. The study adopted ex-post facto as its research design and the data were gathered from the listed oil and gas companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange as of 31st December 2020. A sample of 11 listed oil and gas companies was selected out of the 13 listed oil and gas companies on the Nigeria stock exchange due to incomplete data of two companies and Panel data regression was used to analyze the data. Environmental accounting disclosure was measured by environmental conservation and preservation, environmental sustainability, environmental disclosure and environmental audit while financial performance was measured by return on asset, return on equity and profit after tax. The result of the study revealed that environmental conservation and preservation does not have a significant effect on the financial performance of oil and gas firms in Nigeria with (prob. Value>5%) at 0.9229 and 0.9287, environmental sustainability has a significant effect on financial performance of listed oil and gas companies in Nigeria with (prob. Value<5%) at 0.0045,0.0014 and0.0440, environmental disclosure has a significant effect on financial performance of listed oil and gas companies in Nigeria with (prob. Value< 5%) at 0.0240 and 0.0316 and environmental audit has no significant effect on financial performance of firms in the oil and gas sector with (prob. Value> 5%) at 0.0851 and 0.1236. The study then recommends that Organizations should implement universal reporting and disclosure of environmental problems for control and measurements of performance. Keywords: Environmental accounting disclosure, Environmental conservation, Financial performance, Oil and gas, Sustainability. Word Count: 299




Kate Turabian